Friday, January 24, 2014

Now available for purchase:
Personal use - $24.95 Educational, Institutional and License to Screen to an Audience - 249.95
For information and to purchase:
Where Should the Birds Fly? When Israel launched its “Operation Cast Lead” assault on Gaza in December 2008-January 2009, killing 1300 civilians (including over 300 children) videographer Fida Qishta ran out among the exploding rockets and bombs to record what was happening. She was the only one filming the attack; there were no news organizations on the ground.
The footage of the carnage and chaos and her focus on the story of 10 year old Mona Al Samoudi who survived a rocket attack on her home that killed 23 members of her family has been worked into a shocking and moving story that gives background and insights into the everyday life of Gazans coping with Israel’s strangling blockade and violent attacks.
This is the 5th anniversary of the deadly “Cast Lead” attack on Gaza, help keep the true, human story of that event alive.

Where Should The Birds Fly
ProductionYear: 2012
Runtime: 58:27
Producers: Brian Drolet, Felice Gelman, Barbara Grill
Editors: Gladys Joujou
Locale: : Gaza, Palestine
Subject: Middle East Studies, Israel, Palestine
Catalogue Number: 03520

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